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In order to be able to resume this form later, please enter your email and choose a password.

Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
Mailing address
Billing address

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If a contact fulfils more than one role, please enter their details in all relevant sections
Main Contact details
Secondary Contact details
Billing Contact details
Secondary Billing Contact details (if applicable)
Communication & Marketing Contact details
Additional Contact who should receive Chamber email

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RSB Data Protection and Consent

The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials Association endeavours to comply with the principles of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of May 2018. 

The information you provide in this form will be used for the administration of your membership, the communication of relevant information to members and the organisation of events. As a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials, all contacts within your organisation are considered to have a real and legitimate interest in receiving news and updates from RSB.

Should any employee require further information, or wish to opt out, please consult our privacy policy or contact info@rsb.org.

A limited amount of your information (company/organisation name, website, country) will be listed on our website and in our annual review, which will be publicly available in either electronic or paper versions.  

Your data may be processed by Salesforce (our CRM tool), Ekspert SA (our accountants), Mailchimp (Email tool), Google (management of mailing lists) that act as Data Processors on our behalf. They may only use it for the specific purposes for which they act as our data processors and they are not free to pass your data on to other organisations.

Your personal data will not be passed on to any third parties by RSB. Full information about our Data Privacy Policy can be found at https://rsb.org/privacy-policy/. Your data will be stored and used in accordance with this Policy. 

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Membership Chamber

RSB’s members are divided into five chambers, based upon their activities. The chamber system is key to ensuring a balance between industry and civil society voices within RSB.

Please select one of the following five chambers which you would like to join. ** 
**   If your organisation falls into more than one category, please select the chamber that best describes your organisation’s activities. Note that the RSB Secretariat reserves the right to recommend a more appropriate chamber for you.

Membership Fee

RSB members pay an annual fee, which supports the organisation’s activities towards achieving its vision for a sustainable bio-based and circular economy.

RSB’s fee structure is based on the size of the organisation in terms of revenue and is designed to encourage the participation of a diverse range of organisations of all sizes.
RSB NPO Membership fee table
Organisations from Chambers 3 and 4, and academic institutions in Chamber 5, are exempted from membership fees.
Membership fee table
Once your application is approved, we will send you an invoice for your fees which may be paid via credit card or wire transfer.

* Chamber 3, 4 or 5 (Academic Institutions) Members

RSB wants to encourage participation and membership of social organisations. If your organisation belongs to Chamber 3, Chamber 4, or Chamber 5 and is an academic institution you are automatically exempted from membership fees. However, your commitment to actively engage in RSB activities should be highlighted below. 

In addition to taking an active role as a member of RSB, as defined in article 7.2 of the Articles of Association, and participating in virtual Chamber Meetings and consultations, engagement can include participating at the Annual General Assembly, as well as participation in RSB projects.
If you are applying as a Chamber 3 ,4 or 5 member,  please state your commitment to actively engage in RSB activities in your letter of application.

Please upload your cover letter below.
Should you need to download a template, you can access it here (note: automatic download of Word document)
Please note: only Word doc, docx or PDF files are accepted

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The RSB's Membership guide can be downloaded here.
Any fee waivers or fee reductions an applicant wishes to apply in the year they become a member needs to be included in their cover letter by inclusion of these details; 'Fee waiver type, percentage amount, reasoning and related commitments. Please see the Membership Guide and cover letter template in the application for more. If you have any questions, please mail Aléz Odendaal at alez.odendaal[@]rsb.org.
The RSB's Articles of Association can be downloaded here.