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Worksite Feedback Report

This weekly report creates an opportunity for open communication between Worksite-managers/Supervisors/ Team-Leaders and Case-Workers.  

You are encouraged to complete this form in collaboration with your champions in order to create an honest and open supportive environment.  This information will be shared with case workers to maintain transparency.

Line managers are to make use of the disciplinary code to guide action and consequences. What is decided upon needs to be carried out with the champ. Think action, consequence and corrective behaviour, let the champ know why they have received these disciplinary consequences and what they can do to improve their behaviour. Be transparent with the champ, letting them know that the action and consequence will be shared with the case worker. Always be factual, do not allow yourself to take things personally. If you are frustrated or experiencing overwhelming emotions in relation to the incident, Seek support from your manager.

Report Feedback Detail

Please ensure this is discussed with and applied to the champ

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